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Custom developments is committed to supporting the local environment by incorporating our ethos into each home we build.

To help us achieve this we have teamed up with local company Green&Blue who design and manufacture their own built in habitat boxes. We will incorporate one Bee Brick, one Bat Block and one Swift Block into every house we build to help provide the much needed habitats these endangered species require.

Bee Bricks

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Photo: Trevilley Close

The bee bricks provides a nesting place for solitary bees. Around 90% of bee species in the UK are solitary yet few people know about their important pollinating role. Historically they would nest in old crumbling mortar and hedgerows, but with many such habitats gone or under threat, the Bee Brick is designed as an alternative.

The bricks are cast in concrete using up to 75% Cornish china clay waste and have a solid back so that no bees enter the property or cavity wall, they simply nest within the cavities of the brick.

Solitary bees do not produce honey or have a queen to protect so they very rarely sting and are safe to encourage around children and animals.

Bat Blocks

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Photo: The Orchards

These self-contained and unobtrusive boxes will be incorporated into the apex of the gable wall on each new dwellings.

Bats are an integral part of our rich biodiversity yet their numbers are in decline.

By installing Bat Blocks we can provide both winter hibernation roosts and summer nursery roosts to help protect their numbers for future generations.

Swift Blocks

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Photo: Trevilley Close

Swifts are migratory birds that travel thousands of miles to the UK to nest and raise their fledglings. Their numbers are under threat in part due to the lack of suitable nesting sites here in the UK.

By installing Swift Blocks in our developments we provide homes for these incredible birds to raise their young and return to every nesting season.

Recycling Waste

To help minimise waste on site we cut up any wood offcuts which are then used in our wood burner.

All cardboard packaging is recycled via our friends at Green & Blue who shred it and reuse it to package their amazing products.

Surfers Against Sewage

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A keen surfer for 30 years Dan has been fortunate enough to surf all over the world seeing first hand the damage being done to our marine environments.

That is why Custom Developments is proud to be a member of the Surfers Against Sewage 250 club.

Surfers Against Sewage is a national marine conservation and campaigning charity that inspires, unites and empowers communities to take action to protect oceans, beaches, waves and wildlife.